The Law of Momentum: How to Thrive not Survive in an Uncertain Economy
And how to surf the wave of uncertainty to start getting on the right/rich side of the greatest wealth transfer of our time
Table of Contents
Aimlessness Creates Idleness.
The Demonic Light (D3)
The Law of Momentum
The 3 Power Zones Momentum for More Money
Surfer Wisdom.
Momentum or Mortality? Your Fate Lies in Your Faith.
The Great Wealth Transfer: Revelation: Freeze? or Forge Ahead?
Question to Leave you With…
We are ALWAYS complaining about burnout from doing too much. But NOBODY is talking about burnout from doing too little.
What do I mean?
Ever heard of Idle hands being the devil’s workshop?
We know that overwork can overwork the nervous system, create trauma and PTSD and wreak havoc on our relationships.
But there’s also such. thing as burnout from idleness.
Whether you’re an established entrepreneur who’s hit a plateau, or a new entrepreneur terrified to fail, inertia burnout - as I’m calling it - is a real thing.
Aimlessness Creates Idleness.
Why? Because as children of God, we are designed by God, and we come with an assignment. A great deal of our stress and worry comes from a conscious and unconscious desire to find that assignment and live it out;
Just as the human body will overeat its way through the junk food isle looking for a single nutrient to keep itself alive, God’s Original Design for our life is to be living by assignment, on purpose, on path and on brand with God’s Business for OUR businesses.
The Demonic Light (D3)
When we’re deficient in God, we are filled with
Deception +
all of which cause stress and suffering, leading to burnout.
is the devil’s greatest tool used to keep you idle and open to demonic contracts. these contracts can cut off your birthright covenants with God for promised Health, Wealth and legacy.
creates Soul used by demonic attachments, both fleeting and generationally contracted in your bloodline, to keep you out of your faith. Faith and service are the two most powerful components of building generational wealth. with connects you to God and service, to man. You become the conduit, through your assignment from God, to serve man and earth, which you have inherited. To be deceived by the devil is to believe in nothing, and our belief in nothing is what’s creating soul burnout.
has been emotionally and spiritually linked to a lack of movement and an unhealthy attachment to the past; and anxiety, an unhealthy level of focus and need to control the future. Both states of stress can cause “freeze” mode in the nervosa system nd the fascia of the physical body, where trauma actually resides. And yet few are talking about the immense burnout that inertia can cause us in our businesses.
Proverbs 12:24
The hand of the diligent will rule, while the slothful will be put to forced labor.
Idle hands are the devil’s playground. One of the 10 Commandments of a wealth building business machine is diligence. To be diligent and void of idle hands is to be driven by purpose and working for out pay. Without this, we become idle and with idleness, comes illness of the mind.
The illness of the mind is the greatest downfall of this millennium and it’s the illness of mind that provides a gateway for the devil. We have a default to dumb down and numb out through gluttonous overconsumptions — of food, media, technology and sex.
Proverbs 10:4
“He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.”
Ephesians 4:27-28
Neither give place to the devil.
Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.
Ecclesiastes 10:18
“By much slothfulness the building decayeth; and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through.”
King James Version (KJV)
The Law of Momentum
Both you as God’s child and your business, are designed to thrive off of the fail and fool proof principles that govern the ebbs and flows of the natural world. One of these laws is The Law of Momentum.
The greatest myth about surfers is that they are inert and inane beach bums. To the contrary; They wake up before most CEOs, have primed their bodies to and minds to walk directly into chaos, and attuned their heart brains to perceive and predict the unpredictable. They are feral and ferocious fear fighters, with faith in the attunement between their bodies and God’s plan.
The 3 Power Zones of Momentum for More Money
The best-kept secret in surfing is power zones; being able to read the waves and tap into the energy. Most surfers are unaware of this and surf blind, running away from the power of the wave.
The 3 positions of the wave + Your Power to create Prosperity
Bottom Zone:
Lift = Power
Top Zone:
Fall = Speed
Bottom down or top up is how legacies are built, but I can promise you, they are NEVER built in the safe zone, in business or in surfing.
1. The Safe Zone
The safe zone is in between the bottom and top zones. It slows you down and creates a purgatory of powerlessness - no power (gravity) and no speed (fall).
this is where business owners live when they get analysis paralysis. They say still in what they feel is the safe zone because they don’t want to or know how to make a decision. indecision catches up with you in on land and on water.
entrepreneurs who fear the fall will fail at gaining speed and get taken out by the next wave. This is the deadly result of Inertia
entrepreneurs who fear the fight to the top of the wave will fail at gaining any power and will get crushed by the next wave.
“You can’t half ride a wave. And you can’t half be an entrepreneur. You’re in or you’re out. “
So now, if the safe zone turns into a rip curl or other powerful wave it can quickly turn into the
2. Danger Zone
The Safe Zone turns into the danger through the act of inaction, creating inertia. -it’s created by moving too slow or not at all, in relation to what’s about to happen. What’s about to happen is sometimes measurable and somewhat predictable, and sometimes the unpredictable is what’s predictable. Either way, preparation is only half the game. Action is the other. Without it, you’ll inevitably end up, in the danger zone.
3. The Momentum Zone
Is at top of the wave and the lip, but the power source isn't the lip…. it's gravity. From here, you can ride down the wave and then accelerate.
Surfer Wisdom.
In many ways, the seasoned surfer has mastered a great deal of business acumen that most business men don’t possess;
they place themselves in positions to hone their spiritual weapons of warfare on a daily basis, and because they are attuned to God in the undertow, every single day.
Surfers are happy. They have purpose outside the perimeters of the office. And they spend their mornings bowing to God. Between the lies we; eve been told about the trades industry and surfers, there is a goldmine of wisdom and value in the most undervalued and over stigmatized industries in earth.
In order to surf the wave for wealth
like a pro, you have to be laser focused and fearlessly move forward when its called for.
You’ll always have ups and downs inside of every wave of life and business, but the wealthiest and wisest know that you turn and face the wave and never run from it, because running from God will catch up with you; it will catch up with the fearful, but will crush the faithful.
How you use the force of momentum to catalyze what Gods Calle you to do will be what changes your idle and soul burnout into a biblically burgeoning business.
Momentum or Mortality? Your Fate Lies in Your Faith.
Whatever wave God brings to your boardroom, create momentum and not a mortal end to your business. Take steps forward into chaos and watch it crumble. You can alchemize inertia into inevitable success IF you follow the laws and principles that govern it.
The Great Wealth Transfer: Revelation: Freeze? or Forge Ahead?
We’re in the midst of the greatest and most biblical wealth transference in history. You have the opportunity to become a part of it. To break inertia and create biblical businesses that turn into lucrative legacies. As the children of God it is not just a promise, it is an obligation to fulfill what God brought you here to do.
Question to Leave you With…
How are you currently positioning your family, business, skillset and intellect so that you can ride the wave of the great wealth transference of our time?